Architecture; which Megatrends are the key to understanding how we will build our cities and homes of the future ?
The evolution of the bathroom from a small sanitary space to a big boudoir style groom room.
Co-living to co-working and co-everything. Why do we need as a society to create a community in the home and the workplace. Some best practice examples from around the world.
Beautiful home syndrome and how the new design democracy is impacting on architecture and our homes.
Homes in the future as an integral part of a smart energy grid, producing and storing energy.
Why some future technology and ideas fail, and others thrive. My favourite future flops from the intelligent fridge to the self-driving car.
How has Megatrend Gender Shift impacted on the layout of our homes and how we will live?
The idea of what we want from a home has evolved and adapted to our changing lifestyles and biographies – a look at everything from flexible floorpans to the bathroom salon and the kitchen-hub.
Individualisation is one of the key Megatrends and driving forces that has significantly changed how we will live – in our daily lives, in our homes and the workplace.
The urban jungle: how some city planners and architects are transforming the urban landscape from a concrete jungle to an urban forest. As the Danish Landscape architect Torben Schønherr once said “Buildings are just a detail”.
The kitchen today is has evolved from a woman’s place to centre stage of the new home hub. Where and how will we cook and eat in the future?
Lifestyle. From the Latte Macchiato families to the baby boomer hipsters: how do they live and what impact will urbanisation have on an increasingly aging population.
Mindfulness is the new buzz word after the wellness wave. But what does it mean for how we will live and is it an antidote to our increasingly connected digitalised world?
Neo-ecology. Hot on the heels of the ecology movement, what are the new ways of thinking on how to “save the planet”. From the active house to cradle-to-cradle living.
The oracle at Delphi was the first big business in predicting the future; what can we learn from it, and which of their techniques are we still using today?
Pre-fabrication is the key to modular, flexible and fast city housing development. From concrete to wood – a look at some of the best and most beautiful micro (and macro) home schemes.
The Quooker is just one example of a simple, smart technology in our Future Evolution House. Which other technology is smart, and why?
Robots are coming. Or perhaps not. What can we expect fron the robot of the future in our homes, and why we will never have “sex robots”.
Smart homes, apps and cites are promising a connected future: but do they live up to their promises, and will they actually make our lives better or easier?
Contrary to popular belief, trends are not linear but recursive. They create disruption and out of that new trends are formed. In order to think realistically about the future we need to look at the way they evolve.
2025 will see 75% of the worlds population living in cities. From urban acupuncture to megacity management: new successful strategies for dealing with the challenges of the urban future.
What is the future of mobility and will we all travel in self-driving vehicles in the future? And what strategies are planners employing to make our city commute a happier experience.
We-volution is the anti-trend to the Me-volution of individualism. How does this impact on our living spaces and our means of communication?
Generation X. The post baby boomers are the first generation to earn less than their parents, and have a more differentiated way of living than any previous generation.
Generation Y. What will the needs and demands of the young generation be in the years to come. How and where will they live?
ZZZZ. Will we have smart mattresses in the bedroom of the future, robots bringing us breakfast in bed or and what is a mindful bedroom?