Home Report 2023
My new Home Report 2023 study takes a look at trends from the Spa-throom (spa plus bathroom) to Radical Materials, The Kind City of the Future and much more.
The study is currently only available in German, but if you would like any more information in English please contact me:
Home Report 2022
My new home report on the trends in living, housing and building is published only in German.
It covers themes such as FurNEARture, modular living, sustainability in the building branch and the increasing importance role of playfulness in our homes, cities and lives.
If you are interested in information in English on any of these trends please send me an email:
Home Report 2021
The pandemic has had a big effect on not just how we see our homes and cities, but how we will plan and build these for the future. My new Home Report 2021 study takes a look at these critical changes, from the Hoffice (home office) and the Home Suite Home trend, to the rise of modular building, and the big changes we can expect to see in our urban landscapes.
The study is currently only available in German: Home Report 2021, but if you would like any more information in English please contact me.
Home Report 2020
In Home Report 2020 future building and and living expert Oona Horx Strathern takes a critical look at the trends and changes in our living spaces and their effects on the economy, the building industry and society.
It identifies the most important living and design trends, identifies the biggest challenges and sustainable strategies in the housing sector, exposes the true challenges of smart home systems and introduces inspiring architects, planners and designers whose innovative ideas and future-oriented thinking will create better homes for the future.
The study is currently only available in German: Home Report 2020
For more information in English please contact us through

Home Report 2019
In Home Report 2019 — the first issue of an annual report — future building and and living expert Oona Horx Strathern takes a critical look at the trends and changes in our living spaces and their effects on the economy, the building industry and society.
It identifies the most important living and design trends, identifies the biggest challenges and sustainable strategies in the housing sector, exposes the true challenges of smart home systems and introduces inspiring architects, planners and designers whose innovative ideas and future-oriented thinking will create better homes for the future.
The study is currently only available in German: Home Report 2019
For more information in English please contact us through

“Dieses Buch ist ein Juwel und ich habe so viel gelernt, erfahren und so viele motivierende, inspirierende Momente erlebt – über so viele spannende Menschen gelesen – wie schon lange nicht mehr. Dieses Buch hat mich verzaubert, berührt, aufgerüttelt und motiviert… Danke für Ihre Inspirationen und ihre hochspannenden, interessanten Beiträge zu einer menschlicheren, lebenswerteren Welt!”
Gerda Fundneider